
今天给大家介绍关于天气的各种英语表达,聊天气,也可以随口出英语询问天气1. Whats the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?2. Whats it like outside today?。

今天外面天气怎么样?3. How is the weather tomorrow?明天的天气怎么样?4. What does the weather forecast say?天气预报怎么说的?5. What will it be after the clear weather?



6. Is the weather always like this?天气总是这样的吗?7. Is it always as hot as this?天气总是这样热吗?8. Do you like the weather here?

你喜欢这儿的天气吗?9. What do you think of the weather here?你觉得这儿的天气怎么样?10. Whats your favorite season?你最喜欢哪个季节?

谈论好天气1. What a nice day! 多好的天气呀!2. Today is a sunny day.今天真是阳光灿烂的一天3. The sun is shining.阳光明媚4. The weather is much better than yesterday.。

天气比昨天好多了。5. Its going to be fine tomorrow.明天将会有好天气。


6. Well have fine weather for the next few days.以后几天天气晴朗7. I hope the weather will stay this way.我希望这种天气持续下去。

8. Its good to see the sun again.真是太好了,太阳又出来了9. Lovely weather, isnt it?天气真好,是吧?10. Fine day, isnt it?。

今天是个好天气,是吧?谈论不好的天气1. The weather is terrible.天气真糟糕2. The weather forecast says it isnt good.天气预报说今天天气不好。

谈论气温1. Its Africa hot.非洲般的热。2. Its extremely hot and muggy. 天气非常闷热。3. Its blazing
